Sword Hits and Blocks – Combat Sounds
157 High-fidelity sword sounds that will bring light to your video game project (and war hehe). You can alter the pitch to generate even more sounds from the source files provided in this pack.
They are divided in:
– Sword Hard Impacts
– Sword vs Sword
– Whooshes
– Small Blade Hits
– Blocks
– Special Crit
– Pierce Enemy
– Thin Sword
– Impacts
– Extra (take out/pack away sword, sharpening, ui, crafting, etc…)
📜 Tracklist PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13WH7sbUTc77HSiRccnyL-2aycerg6GWg/view?usp=share_link
More about the pack:
– Editable: Easy to generate more sounds if you alter pitch.
– Intuitive file naming.
– Very easy to implement in your game.
– Put more life to your game with this pack.
– A very good resource to put sound to your swords!
All files are in:
WAV – Stereo 44.1 Khz, 16bit
[Use them again & again]
Use the sound effects over and over, in any of your projects or productions, forever without any additional fees or royalties. Use the SFX in your game, in your trailer, in a Kickstarter campaign, wherever you need to, as much as you want to.
If you want variations of the SFX you are allowed to alter pitch, tones, etc… For your projects.
Tags: stab, wound, wounds, sword, dagger, stabs, hit, hits, pierce, piercing, weapon, weapons, action, battle, conflict, axe, combat, combat sounds, combat sfx, fight sounds, sound pack, sfx, sounds, wound sounds, swords, swords sounds, metal swords, fight, fighting sounds, pvp, battles, sound, wood, wooden, objects, destruction sound, destruction sounds, sound effects, wood sounds, flesh, sword sounds, pvp sounds, rpg, jrpg, rpg sounds, battle sounds, whoosh, whooshes, action sounds, axes, axe sound, big sword, dagger sounds, blade, cinematic, sounds, magic sword, sword sound, game sound, game sounds, spell, sword pack, weapon sounds, fantasy, attacks, cut, cuts, crit, critical, medieval, medieval fantasy
Tags: action , actionsounds , attacks , axe , axes , axesound , battle , battles , battlesounds , bigsword , blade , cinematic , combat , combatsfx , combatsounds , conflict , crit , critical , cut , cuts , dagger , daggersounds , destructionsound , destructionsounds , fantasy , fight , fightingsounds , fightsounds , flesh , gamesound , gamesounds , hit , hits , jrpg , magicsword , medieval , medievalfantasy , metalswords , objects , pierce , piercing , pvp , pvpsounds , rpg , rpgsounds , sfx , sound , soundeffects , soundpack , sounds , spell , stab , stabs , sword , swordpack , swords , swordsound , swordsounds , swordssounds , weapon , weapons , weaponsounds , whoosh , whooshes , wood , wooden , woodsounds , wound , wounds , woundsounds ,
View More By Audio_Alchemist
File Formats:
WAV: 44.1 Khz / 16 bitPurchase Option #1: |
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